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High Command Act

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High Command Act Empty High Command Act

Post by NLSP 2012-01-19, 20:23
I. State owned military units and their goals :

1. Belgian National Army (BNA)
The BNA is the national army. This military unit is open to all citizens who attain the requirements set by BNA Staff. BNA Staff consists of the ingame Commander and soldiers that are appointed by that commander. Staff wil take care of all structural and internal affairs, such as supplies, DOF organistation, recruitment etc. Soldiers will follow orders that are made by HC. Evaluation of supply systems or other internal systems will intentionally be made by Staff, but can be enforced or done by HC when HC thinks it is necessary.

2. Belgian Civilian Army (BCA)
The BCA is a Military Unit that is open to all citizens. This military unit allows citizens who do not wish to follow strict army rules and regulations to obtain the daily bonus for completing daily orders. In times of war, the daily orders will be set by the Minister of Defense in function of the strategy for defending eBelgium.
BCA provides no supplies.

II. Privately owned military units receiving a monthly fee from the state and the goals of this allowance

1. Belgian Training Academy (BTA)
The BTA is a privately owned Military Unit open to all new citizens. This military unit provides in daily food supplies to help these young citizens grow. The goal is to create a genuine contact with new players and allow them to become an active members of the eBelgian society.

III. High Command structure and its powers

1. High Command structure :
High Command (HC) will be the connection between BNA and government and will consist of 3 members with voting rights and an undetermined amount of members without voting rights.
Members are
* BNA commander (has voting rights)
* CP (has voting rights)
* MoFA (has voting rights only if eBelgium is at peace)
* MoD (has voting rights when the MoFA doesn't have voting rights)
* MOF (no voting rights)
The CP can unilaterally add representatives from other national MU's (only 1 representative for each MU), these do not have voting rights.
The BNA commander can add unilaterally add 1 member of the BNA staff, he does not have any voting rights.

If it comes to a vote, all HC members that are allowed to vote, have equal power.

2. High Command powers
A. High Command will not have the final decision over the replacement of a Commander.

The choice of a new Commander has to be validated by a 50% +1 majority of Congress. A candidate can be brought forward by the previous Commander, by Congress or by a member of High Command.

B. High Command will have the ability to remove a Commander of a State owned Military Unit from this position.

This decision can be reached in three ways :
1. An decision of the full High Command, including members without voting powers.
2. A decision of High Command with more than 60% majority approval by the Security Council
3. A decision of High Command with more than 60% majority approval by a 2/3 majority in Congress.

C. Evaluation of Requirements and Supply system of the Military Units

High Command has at all times be informed about changing requirements to join or stay in one of the military units or changes in a supply system. It will evaluate the proposed changes and issue a non-binding advice.

At the request of a simple majority in congress or High Command, an evaluation of the current supply system has to be done and Congress need to be informed about it.

At the request of a simple majority in congress or High Command, Military Units can be forced to fulfil a binding decision of HC or congress on measures to be taken to adapt a supply system funded by the state.

D. Evaluation of the accounting sheets

Staff will evaluate the income and expenses of the Military Units who receive state funding. If these accounting sheets are not kept correctly an official warning will be issued. MoF will have access to all accounting sheets.

IV. Accountability

Each Military Unit that receives a budget from the state will be required to keep an accounting sheet which details revenue and expenses.

V. Measures in regard to Commanders and Military Units who do not comply with High Command decisions

1. Military Units:
- A military unit that is found to refuse to comply to a High Command decision or fails to upkeep its accounting sheet will have its allowed budget suspended.
- After 3 motivated warnings issued by High Command about errors or unjustly attributed funds in the accounting sheet, Congress will be asked to suspend funding until a new Commander is appointed.

2. Commanders
A. A removed commander
The refusal of a commander of a state owned Military Unit to step down from his in-game position after High Command has reached a decision to remove said commander will be considered as the following :
- Theft of National Assets (Grade A)
- Misuse of National Assets (Grade B)
- Abuse of Power (Grade A)

B. A commander who does not keep up accounting sheets
The refusal of a commander of a Military Unit that receives a budget from the state to upkeep an accounting sheet will be considered as the following :
- Misuse of National Assets (Grade D)
- Negligence (Grade C)

C. A commander who refuses to take the necessary measures after a binding decision was made by High Command in regard to the supply system funded by the state will be considered as the following :
- Misuse of National Assets (Grade B)
- Abuse of Power (Grade B)

3. General dispositions
High command will bring a case before Supreme Court and/or Congress who will then take the necessary measures. Charges for Corruption can be added for any of the above possibilities if proof exists that the Commander was acting at the request of a third party.

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Join date : 2010-11-17

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